Sedation Anesthesia in Manchester, NH


For most patients, the thought of having a tooth extracted or a surgical procedure performed in their mouth can cause them to have a varying degree of fear or anxiety. Some patients can deal with that fear or anxiety quite easily, while others cannot. Every patient having an oral surgical procedure in our office will have options as to how they are treated anesthetically. If fear, stress, and anxiety make it difficult for you to have your oral surgical procedure, then sedation anesthesia may be for you!

Manchester Oral Surgery provides dental sedation in Manchester, NH. Call 603-622-9441 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Benefits of Sedation Anesthesia

Although not all patients need sedation anesthesia, those who do find that it makes their visits much less stressful.

Benefits of sedation anesthesia include:

  • Reduced pain and anxiety
  • Limited memory of procedures
  • Management of gag reflex
  • Ability to tolerate longer surgeries

Types of Sedation Anesthesia

The terms sedation and anesthesia are often used interchangeably, but sedation is a type of anesthesia. Sedation allows you to feel calm and relaxed while remaining conscious, while anesthesia generally ensures that you don’t feel any pain. Some patients may only need local anesthesia, while others may require deep sedation in the office or even general anesthesia in a hospital.

Options in the office include:

  • Local anesthesia, which numbs the surgical site
  • Nitrous oxide, which helps you feel at ease, but you are still awake and aware of your surroundings
  • Conscious oral sedation, which involves taking a prescription medication by mouth immediately before your procedure to help you relax
  • IV sedation, which is a form of sedation where a small IV catheter is placed into your arm at the time of your procedure through which medications are given to render you either lightly or deeply asleep so that you are breathing on your own but will have little or no memory of your surgery

Are You a Good Candidate for Sedation Anesthesia?

If you are considering sedation anesthesia, Dr. Abel will see you first in consultation to review your medical history, including any prior anesthesia complications. Certain health conditions (such as heart, lung, or airway problems) may limit the types of sedation for which you are eligible.

Why Choose Manchester Oral Surgery?

Dr. Abel is highly trained in administering sedation anesthesia. Here’s why patients choose our practice:

  • Dr. Abel is a Board-Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and a Fellow of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
  • Manchester Oral Surgery is consistently named in New Hampshire Magazine’s Top Dentists edition for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Our highly-trained, kind and compassionate care team all work together to guide your treatment
  • Individualized, professional, patient-centered care


What is used for sedation anesthesia?

At our office, we offer nitrous oxide, conscious oral sedation, and IV sedation. We also provide local anesthesia to ensure your comfort.

Will I feel any pain with sedation anesthesia?

Sedation anesthesia helps you feel at ease during your procedure, but it doesn’t necessarily limit your ability to feel pain. This is why sedation anesthesia is paired with local anesthesia, which numbs the area where we’re working.

Am I asleep during IV sedation?

Most patients feel as if they are sleeping or drifting in and out of consciousness with IV sedation. This is why IV sedation is sometimes known as twilight anesthesia.

Can I be sedated for tooth extraction?

In most cases, yes. If you’d like to be sedated for a tooth extraction or any other oral surgery procedure, please let us know before your appointment.

Will I remember anything after IV sedation?

IV sedation has an amnesiac effect, so most people have limited or no memory of their procedure. Others may only remember vague details.

Call 603-622-9441 to learn more or to schedule an appointment